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Team: 24

Members: John Notorgiacomo (Student) & Wisam Bunni (Advisor)

Major: Computer Engineering

Primary Language : Python


About Me: I am a non-traditional student at the University of Cincinnati; I say non-traditional because I already have a B.A. in Psychology but found my passion for technology and software a little later in life. While I am a Computer Engineering Major "by trade", over the course of my 4 co-ops, I’ve found that I prefer the software side of things to the hardware side. If I can find an excuse to use Python, I’ll find it!


Abstract: The current test case life cycle in the Radar department of Bosch is currently redundant, tedious and has the potential to be inaccurate and/or the cause of miscommunication. STARTer resolves these issues by enforcing a standard definition of what can occur in a test & by reducing redundancy during creation.


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